Thursday, August 25, 2005


i've switched, again! so keep things updating quickly, i'm now at

evidently, blogspot gets a little slow with the more posts you have. so if i keep switching every few months, then things speed up. so that's why.


Thursday, August 18, 2005


i'm going to athens for the weekend, as of thursday! hurrah!


Friday, August 12, 2005

mal au dents

getting your wisdom teeth out sucks.


Sunday, August 07, 2005

pres de

so i'm back in birmingham until the 25th or so... it's weird being back. we have no cable. there was some weird freak 3 minute storm that knocked out the power and the cable and the traffic lights on 280 and a tree in the back yard. so it's pretty boring. macy's been watching movies all day long.

so friday was game night. it was good to see everyone, as usual. brad was there, and i haven't seen him in years, so it was really nice to see him come through the door! i've missed him. such a nice guy.

and parker was there too, and he hasn't been at game night in a while, so that was a nice treat.

i miss cookeville though. i mean, it's not like i did much of anything there, and they're probably all seriously glad i won't be there for 2 weeks, but those boys are really nice. there aren't many like them here in the ham. and they're fun, too. and good looking. so i'm counting down the days until i go back.

but it IS nice to be with the family again. i've missed macy and kel and mom and dad SO much. i didn't realize how much i missed them until i got back. it's not going to be so much fun here, because mom and i always get into fights, but i am glad to see them again.

the wisdom teeth come out in thursday. i'm planning on going thrift store shopping to get matt smith and bo birthday presents... i think we're going to desoto caverns tomorrow, me, kel, and may, of course. macy starts school on wednesday, so i'll take her for some ice cream after school that day. and i'll be going to the gym to exercise... being around all this food makes me eat too much!

headed to asbury for church... that ought to be interesting. we'll see how it goes.


Friday, August 05, 2005


so today could have easily been the worst day of my life... but it doesn't look like it will be!

haha, so nashville last night.. that's all i'm going to say right now because that deserves to be told in person. believe me.

anyways, we got back at 5:30, and unlike the rest of the people in the car, i didn't sleep at all. mostly because i was driving.

so it was great to have an 8 AM exam this morning.

despite having set 2 separate alarms, i heard neither, and was woken at 8 AM exactly by kelly, who couldn't remember if the exam was at 8 or 9. luckily, i slept in the cami that i wore last night, threw on the polo i had worn to dinner over the cami (another story there), a jean skirt and the flipflops, grabbed my book i had to turn in, and fled. didn't brush the teeth, didn't brush the hair, didn't put on deodorant. i'm sure i was a pleasant looking person during the exam, as i also had pillow marks and the remnants of my permanent marker X on my face. quite lovely!

so exam was easy, then i ate breakfast/lunch with kelly, now i'm packing... and i'm going to be leaving soon, and i'm sad. i don't want to leave.

at all.

i'll miss these people! counting down the days until i move back!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

bien sur

things are going quite swimmingly, i think. last night was SO much fun! and i didn't even randomly show up at the house, paul called me.... he just wanted my camera, but the point is, i had an invite. so that's good. i stayed there until 2 or 3 or so... i can't remember. but it was fun. it was a lot of fun. i think today, paul is supposed to call me about EVERYTHING and i'm supposed to go see wedding crashers with jenkins and ...thomas? i can't remember who else is going. but that should be fun too.

kel, mom, and macy are supposed to be coming to Rock Island today, so i'll have to drive over there at some point, probably switch out cars with papa (the truck! yeah!!) and then i'll come back here because i'm eating in the caf with paul and the gang, because they're going to call me. i wrote it on paul's arm.

there was also a slumber party planned, and i'm waaayyyyy excited about that! i can't give out details though, because it's mostly a secret...but it's going to be GREAT!

so... moving back to b'ham friday or so. i really don't want to go, although i guess it'll be nice to see cat and anna and everyone... maybe we should have a game night? i'm dreading the wisdom teeth experience, but everyone's telling me it's "really not that bad" and then go on to give me an example of how dry sockets aren't really "too terrible"- exactly.

i can't wait to get married, jason! my closet is going to be extradorinarily wonderful and packed with gorgeous clothes... and we're going to have so much fun, what with you not being a girl and me not being a boy!! haha, lindsey the trophy wife! ;D

so... i guess i'll go pick up my paper, and then probably drive out to rock island and wait for mom and kel, and then come back?

UPDATE! i got a 100 and a 'well done lindsey!" on my paper!!! hoorary for an A in music app!


Monday, August 01, 2005


so... i'm really stupid. i left my room key in birmingham. that was dumb. i did some other dumb stuff too, but i think we'll just leave it at that.

almost done with my paper on schumann... pretty tired of writing that.

really hungry... really tired... need to do laundry... i feel so behind, going to b'ham like that over the weekend! i need to catch up!
